Casinos in US are marching ahead by adopting latest technological advancement in their casino infrastructure and so is now Canada catching the same fever. Recently Twin Arrows Casino in Arizona acquired a Robocop to manage criminal activity in their casino premises. The robot officially began its 24/7 shift on June 29 at the Twin Arrows Navajo Casino Resort, which is located along I-40/Route 66 some 25 miles east of downtown Flagstaff. Since he is on roll the Twin Arrows parking lot is being better secured thanks to an autonomous data machine patrolling the Arizona casino property.
Las Vegas Casinos already have introduced robo live dealers at their table games. Besides these many gaming companies are looking at a local and global focus, as well as innovations in technology like the introduction of AR and VR games. But not only the infrastructure in land casinos are heading towards technological innovations the gaming companies are focussing as how to make online casinos more tech friendly and secure.
Canadian Gaming Summit 2018
Last month in June 2018 Canadian Gaming Summit was held for three days at the beautiful Niagara Falls in Ontario Canada. In 2017 the submit focussed on technological advances and the importance of companies to stay up to date with the latest in state and national lotteries, the importance of gambling regulations and compliance with federal and state laws, casino operations in Canada and abroad, First Nations gaming institutions, and charitable gaming.
This year’s focus, however, was more on the importance of technology to secure online and casino games, and the challenges seen by companies as they adapt their systems to new technology.
The summit included a conference for gaming professionals and a trade exhibition, where Canadian-based and even foreign companies presented their new products and services. There were dozens of companies from the gambling, hospitality and gaming industries, as well as top executives and professionals that specialized in lotteries, gambling regulation and compliance, gaming technology, casino operations, charitable gaming, and many more.
The 2018 edition of the summit featured eight educational tracks and presentations, all centred around the main theme “Technology Holds the Key”. Last year, the event focused on the technological advancements and the challenges that faced by companies in their attempt to stay up-to-date when adopting them. Indeed, with the prominence of digital and online gaming in the past few years, the previous theme “Rapid Pace of Change” did sound adequate. But this year, organizers highlighted the importance of technology in the physical security and the customer experience.
Among the keynote speakers this year were Paul Lauzon, Senior Vice President of market research company Ipsos and Paige Schoenfeld, Ipsos’ Associate Vice President. Another prominent speaker was Anthony Lacavera, Chairman of Globalive, which is a Canadian communications and investment company. There was a seminar on marketing by Stowe Shoemaker, Ph. D., Dean of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration at UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas).
The new technologies to be adopted

Robot in the Miracle Mile Casino in Las Vegas. Photo: Chitose Suzuki Las Vegas
In this summit gaming companies focussed on secure gaming be it land or online casinos. Presentations were held on voice commands in security. Several casinos, most notably the Wynn Resort in Las Vegas, have begun experimenting with voice-command technology. For example, the Wynn Resort has begun placing Amazon Echoes in its hotel rooms as part of its security features, as well as other biometric technology that recognizes voice commands.
While a great part of the voice-security technology has to do with the biometrics for additional safeguards, and many aspects of casino technology are closely guarded, the casinos may use voice technology in their hotel rooms to guarantee there will be no crimes committed on the casino floor like as an example counting cards. The Amazon Echoes may also be useful to customers for room service and mobile access to features within a room.
This years education program at the 2018 Canadian Gaming Summit will follow eight tracks entitled “Technology Holds the Key”. Find out more here:
— Gaming Summit (@GamingSummit) February 14, 2018
Several rounds of discussions were held regarding blockchain technology and its usefulness on the casino floor. Blockchain technology allows casino patrons to bet on games and allows casinos to pay off bets electronically. This adds an extra layer of security to money transfers. Casino patrons have been robbed the past in both in casino’s hotels and parking garages.
Though care must be taken by casinos if they decide to implement blockchain technology to ensure the same level or an improved level of security in electronic money transfers, as well as physical transfers. Also there is an issue with the regulation of taxes, and how they are going to be taken out of electronic winnings, especially if cryptocurrency like BTC, LTC, ETH and DOGE is used.
Presenters at the summit were more interested in using robotics at casinos and demonstration was on the use of robotics, both on the casino floor for security, and as overhead for security and hospitality. In the future, casinos may be able to tell which guests need additional chips or food and beverages just through robot observation.
If a players may want to cheat at a card game and see the security person as a deterrent but a robot may blend in and be a part of the casino fixtures, which allows security to keep better tabs on possible problems.
In addition, the Annual Gaming Industry Awards was held during the summit. It was split into two major sections, the Canadian Gaming Industry Awards and the First nation Gaming Awards. These awards have recognized achievements in leadership within the gaming industry.
Last day to demo our Jackpot Blitz electronic table game, and play Texas Hold’em. Come drop by our Booth 410 at the Canadian Gaming Summit @GamingSummit in Niagara Falls, ON #CGS2018
— Jackpot Digital (@JackpotDigital) June 20, 2018
Lately CGX Ottawa 2018 was also held in Ottawa that focused on gaming & technology with their expo zone having 100 studios showing off games and tech Indie, AAA,VR Zone, leaders in tech, arcades, Escape rooms, and life-size games.