Playing slots is what is most popular at online casinos. You can play slots for free or with real money that’s your choice. But all slots machines be it free slots or real money slots, work on Random Number Generator (RNG). RNG is actually a software meant to secure fairness and randomness of casino games. Actually random number generator is a program code that uses the MD5 algorithm built into a casino’s software. Its job is to generate random symbols or numbers used in a variety of casino games and completely exclude the possibility of tampering with their outcome.
The goal is to avoid the repetition of any particular pattern and ensure different results every time, which is achieved by mathematical equations and formulas that make up the RNG’s algorithm. Also the randomness of games in online casinos should resemble the one in real land casinos. As in real land casino when playing poker before every game, the dealer will shuffle the cards, thus securing the randomness of the game. After that, the cards you will get will be the first top cards from the deck that are absolutely unknown to anyone. However, in online casinos, there is no dealer to shuffle the deck of cards, and so the casino software has to do it instead. This is when RNG comes in and provides random numbers that consequently determine the card you will get.
RNG is a very important program in online gaming industry, as it promises fair play and random games be it free games or real games. If casinos failed to provide randomness of games, the gameplay alone would soon become predictable and unappealing for players. Furthermore, if there was a pattern connected to a particular game, players would easily discover it and use it to their advantage, which would lead a casino to bankruptcy.
Types of Random Number Generators
There are two types of Random Number Generators Hardware RNG and Pseudorandom RNG. While the aim is the same for both, they do differ in some ways.
Hardware Random Number Generator
Hardware Random Number Generator is a sort of an external gadget that casinos connect to their server through a USB port. It represents a small board or a chip packed into a device that produces a random series of numbers triggered by the unstable atmospheric phenomena or physical processes.
This type of RNG is also called a True Random Number Generator and has been used in land-based casinos. Once connected, the device uses compound values as a starting point for developing a result of, for example, a roulette game. Contrary to the belief of many, the Hardware RNG cannot be rigged, as it is placed inside the machine and properly secured.
Pseudorandom number generator
Pseudorandom Number Generator is a tool used to secure randomness of games in online casinos. As opposed to Hardware RNG, Pseudorandom Number Generation is a software that features a mathematical algorithm instead of a physical device. This program code alone is in charge of generating random numbers and determining the outcome of the games.
PRNG is constantly producing new random number sequences. Its starting point is the number with millions of digits after the decimal. Then, from this starting number, numerous mathematical operations follow to calculate the further value and generate a game’s result. Apart from online casinos using PRNG, game providers also incorporate it when producing games to secure the fairness of the titles.
Almost all online casinos use RNG
All the legit online casinos have to comply with specific rules and regulations implied by the online gaming regulatory bodies. Apart from operating under a legal license, casinos must ensure that their games are fair and random. To be able to prove the randomness of the games, online casinos hire independent audit companies in charge of testing a casino’s RNG. After such an agency determines that the outcome of games is completely random, the casino is awarded an RNG certificate of compliance.
This certificate serves as a guarantee of the casino’s integrity and can usually be found on the homepage of the site. However, in order to protect the sensitive data that the original report contains, online casino operators only share the logo of the auditor who did the testing and their seal of approval.
Random Number Generators makes online gaming 100% fair and random is pretty much trustworthy, giving a layer of protection. Virtually, RNG is a part of computer software, and it is well-known that everything dealing with computers can be hacked. There if you are thinking of playing any games in online casinos, always look for an RNG certificate of compliance. Such a sign means that casino games have been checked by an independent auditing company and are officially fair and random.
Remember you cannot cheat RNG which means you cannot do anything to win slot game. So if you take an average casino player as an example, there’s no way they would ever be able to break into the system created by thousands of mathematicians. Also even if you somehow managed to trick the software and make use of it, sooner or later it would be discovered and prosecuted for such actions. Maybe that’s why slots are called game of chance. Better to play free slot games for fun rather than risking your real money.